
青州 (traditional Chinese)

青州 (simplified Chinese)

Qing Zhou (Pinyin)

type: zhou region
temporal span: from 307 to 386
spatial info: POINT point N 36.69748 E 118.47810 (geo data source: )
part of:

西晋 Xijin from 307 to 313
西晋 Xijin from 314 to 316
东晋 Dongjin from 317 to 318
后赵 Houzhao from 319 to 351
前燕 Qianyan from 352 to 369
no subunits
data source: CHGIS
Copyright: 2024 © CHGIS, License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published by: China Historical GIS [Harvard University and Fudan University]

Generated by the Temporal Gazetteer Service